Newark Moose Lodge was instituted on March 16, 1911, under the name Licking Moose Lodge.
The first governor was George Hamilton, and the first treasurer was W.V. Jordan.
The Newark Moose lodge home started in the Schaus Building at 4 ½ North Second St., then moved to the Brown Building at 42 ½ South Second St., the Oriole Building at 18 ½ South Second St., moved to 68 West Main St. in 1951, and then in 1963 moved to our current location at 235 West National Dr.
The first addition to the existing building happened in 1975 and is now the band room. The second addition was done in 1980 and is currently the club room with carpet and red chairs.
In September of 1959 the Petoskey families’ 8 children, Steve, Rodney, Ronnie, Richard, Linda, David, Larry and Jerry was sponsored by our Newark Moose Lodge to be admitted to Mooseheart. David Petoskey graduated from Mooseheart in 1970 and went to work at Mooseheart following his graduation, and as of May 2023, he still works there.
We had a major fire on May 16, 1985 and reopened in December 1985.
Our current membership as of May 1, 2023 is 2953 men and women members.
The Newark Moose Lodge donated $276,948.46 to Mooseheart, Moosehaven and local charities from November 1, 2021, to October 31, 2022.